Book onto classes online, get access to exclusive member-only offers and events, and keep up to date on the latest news.

Access anytime, including weekends

Unlimited access to fitness and wellness classes

Complimentary cinema use

One guest day pass each month

Access to all HarSPAs across the south of England*

10% off food at HarBAR, the Spa Café and The Jetty

15% off spa treatments (Monday to Friday)

10% off HarSPA and Temple Spa products

Our classes address your whole mind and body with a holistic approach - taking you from low impact yoga, pilates and meditation to HIIT and body blast.

Personal Trainer Nick is here to help you transform your body, boost your health, and reclaim your confidence. With over 12 years experience he will offer you a personalised training plan, nutrition coaching and weekly progress tracking. He is currently offering a free 60-minute consultation for our HarSPA members. Contact the spa reception to book your session.

Join us for an exclusive Temple Spa Wellness SPArty for £15 per person on Wednesday 30th April at our HarSPA & Club.

You'll receive an arrival glass of fizz with canapés before receiving bespoke tips and advice in a skincare workshop with a Temple Spa expert. We'll be running exclusive product offers on the night so it's the perfect time to level up your skincare routine!