Book onto classes online, get access to exclusive member-only offers and events, and keep up to date on the latest news.

Access anytime, including weekends

Complimentary car parking

Complimentary gym induction

Unlimited access to fitness and wellness classes

Complimentary towel service (one per visit)

Three guest day passes each year

Access to all HarSPAs across the south of England*

25% off food at The Gate

Any 50 or 60-minute treatment for £60**

Any 90-minute treatment for £90**

35% off Elemis & Temple Spa products

Refer a friend receive £100 Harbour Hotels voucher

Our classes address your whole mind and body with a holistic approach - taking you from low impact yoga, pilates and guided meditation walks in Richmond Park to HIIT and Les Mills classes such as Body Balance, Body Combat and Sh’Bam – a fun, latin-inspired dance workout.


*Excludes Southampton and the Beach Club Spa.

**Treatment discount is only available Monday to Friday

***£100 Harbour Hotels gift voucher is given when a friend signs up for our annual membership and can be used at any Harbour Hotel.